This page has been set up for SMBE members across Australia to have input into the future of the SMBE. Please add comments and questions to these entries. We would like this discussion to be robust.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Option 1: We like it how it is...

The current state-based state system is good:
1. We like things the way they are
2. There are no problems so why change anything
3. We want to maintain full control of state membership, organisation and finances

For example, SMBE SA provide:
- Pizza and soft drinks and wine for the speaker at 3-4 technical meetings each year
- Subsidised Xmas dinner for members & guests
- Subsidised BBQ for members & families each year
- Outstanding Honours Project (Biomedical) each year gets a cash prize and free membership of SMBE for 1 year
- Encouragement Award for nominated worker in the field gets a trip to the NSW SMBE Technicians Conference
- Scholarship up to $1000 to attend or present at a biomedical conference or institution

How hard would it be to continue to provide these events & awards?

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